Resumen: The same GAPDH loading control blots were used in Fig. 4A,B without an explanation. The correct legend is shown below clarifying that results are from a single experiment. Fig. 4. Phosphorylation of FAK and SRC upon challenge with Toxoplasma and inhibition of hypermotility by gene silencing of Ptk2 (FAK) or by antagonism of FAK–SRC–PI3K. (A,B) Western blot analysis of total and phosphorylated protein expression of FAK (A) and SRC (B) in DCs unchallenged or challenged with T. gondii tachyzoites for 1 h. Graphs show total protein (FAK and SRC) and phosphorylated protein (p-397: FAK and p-416: SRC), relative to unchallenged DCs, normalized to GAPDH expression. ADU, arbitrary densitometry unit. n=4 biological replicates from independent blots. Representative blots from one experiment are shown, with same loading control (GAPDH) for total FAK/p-397 and total SRC/p-416, respectively. This legend has been corrected in the online and pdf versions of the paper. The authors apologise for any inconvenience caused.